For Morning Light

vincent van gogh the-parsonage-garden-at-nuenen-in-the-snow-1885

Dear Creator God,

Each day the sun comes to us. In summer, it is bright, warm and inviting. In the winter, it is gentler, dimmer, and distant. And yet we welcome it, whether we are in summer’s pastures and breezes, or behind walls, sheltered from winter winds. It is the source of our life on Earth, and it is the symbol of Your presence in our lives. When it is dark, we sleep and wait for light to return. When it is too intense, we must slow down and work mindfully. When it is dim, we stay away from harsh weather, and hope for the return of spring. If we grow in Your wisdom, Lord, we know there are seasons in faith, not one better than the others, and all necessary to the full cycle of our time on Earth. Shine Your grace upon us, Lord, and keep us walking in Your light.

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