Book Review: The Voice Bible

Occasionally I receive a book for review. this one is for a new format study Bible, published by the Ecclesia Bible Society. Maybe my standards are too high; maybe I am too traditional, but this format left me confused and frustrated. I simply did not like the way it looked. It was not a straight narrative, but blocks of narrative broken up by interjections and ideas of the committee that translated or paraphrased the book.
The Voice Bible: Step Into the Story of Scripture (Hardcover)
I had hoped for the best with this format. but it is complex, confusing, and unreliable. I took out my Hebrew and Greek te4xts, and compared, as best I could between “The Voice” and the original. Frustration in many cases, as I thought the committee who had prepared this new text had been a little free in their translation. I am no KJV first scholar; I occasionally retranslate and paraphrase in my own sermons and writing. But this seemed a bit hasty, reliant on its unique construction to appeal to pastors and laity bored with their tired old Bibles. The format broke up the “story” the editors emphasized. I tried to work this into a Bible study situation, but gave up.

Grace of Small Things


We are grateful for the grace of small  things. A smile, a kind word, a shared moment or meal; these are the moments when the Holy Spirit comes through in our lives. We share hope. We share joy, even in these quiet ways.

Carnival Mary Cassatt